Do you need to talk to someone about your results?


Best for you

Best For You is a new NHS mental health project for young people. It aims to reduce stigma, improve knowledge and awareness of mental health, and connect different aspects of mental health support to make it easier for young people and families to find and access the mental health help they need. 

Best For You is run by three NHS Trusts and an NHS charity, with partnerships with a range of community organisations. Imperial College are evaluating the project. Young people are involved in designing and feeding back on every aspect of Best For You. 

The Best For You website and app library launched in 2021, and give young people high-quality information and support about mental health and wellbeing. Community partnerships mean young people can get involved with exciting opportunities that improve wellbeing, and a day service opening in 2022 will provide a drop in space for young people to access support. 

If you have any feedback, or want to get involved with the project, please email

Ealing Youth Plan Consultation

The consultation

Ealing Council is consulting on how it will deliver its youth services for the next 3 years, and on the delivery of our services in Southall while a new permanent site for the Young Adult Centre (YAC) is identified.

Ealing Council has previously consulted with young people on its plan to deliver youth services. These views have been incorporated into a draft Youth Plan. Since that consultation, the COVID lockdown has impacted on the service provided across the borough and may influence young people’s views on activities and programmes. The purpose of a Youth Plan is to set out the themes around which activities and programmes can be developed while ensuring the plan focuses on the needs identified by young people.

The draft Youth Plan sets out:

  • A hub and spoke model which proposes how it will operate to deliver services, programmes and activities in geographic areas with partners. The plan includes demographic data.
  • The seven key themes that the youth service will focus on with young people.
  • The responses from the previous consultation with young people relating to youth centres incorporating their ideas.  
  • The focus on providing support for children who have special educational needs or disabilities.

The draft Youth Plan seeks to involve young people, and the community through the process to ensure that programmes and activities that are provided are what young people want. We want to ensure programmes and activities are well managed, affordable and encourage partners to participate. 

  • The temporary relocation of youth services out of the Young Adult Centre in Southall to Dormers Hub while a permanent site is identified on which to build a new youth centre.

We are also consulting on our long-term plans for the site of a new youth centre in Southall. The new youth centre will be a permanent alternative to the current Young Adult Centre (YAC) and young people will be involved in its design.

Your views

We invite your views on the provision of youth activities, youth centres and programmes following COVID, so these can fit into the draft youth plan. The youth plan is now available and you have your say on the provision of activities and services and the interim and long-term plans for the Southall youth center by completing a short questionnaire.

This consultation will close on 2 March 2022.

What happens next?

Your views will be taken into consideration and will be incorporated into our action plan for young people’s activities and programmes to be delivered through the youth centres and the results will be fed back to help make an informed decision on the site for a new youth centre. 

Once a preferred permanent location is decided, we will consult further on the design of that centre.

Further information

Ealing is also holding a public meeting where key parts of the Plan will be presented, and the audience will be asked to comment on key questions. There will also be an opportunity to ask Councillors about the Plan.

The Leader of the Council Peter Mason will be present along with the Cabinet lead for Fairer Start, Kam Nagpal and the Cabinet lead for Tackling Inequalities Cllr Ayesha Raza. Ealing Council senior managers will also be present to respond to questions raised.

The agenda will be:

5:45pm – 6.30pm: Arrivals, tea and coffee and an opportunity to see site plans of proposed interim youth facility and options for a permanent facility.

6.30pm – 6:45pm: Presentation on the youth plan.

6.45pm – 7.30pm: Activity to consult on key questions, including:

• What facilities are needed for Children and Young People in Southall and across Ealing?• What services are needed for Children and Young People in Southall and across Ealing?• How would you like to be involved in the planning process?

7:30pm – 8pm: Q&A to cabinet, chaired by Ian Jenkins

NB. To protect the health and safety of everyone attending we are implementing social distancing measures at the event as per government guidelines. All attendees are requested to wear a face covering where applicable. Please provide your own face covering and if possible take a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) before attending.

Aged 13-25 And Living In England Or Wales?

We are excited to announce the launch of a new youth-led survey, which aims to gather the views of thousands of young people on policing and police complaints.

Ealing Council is currently consulting on their youth plan, and we really want as many responses from young people and the community as possible.

The consultation ends on the 2nd of March and already there have been over 2400 online responses. If you want to take part in the online consultation can you please follow the link.

On the 2nd of February Ealing consulted with the community and young people about the plan at the Young Adult Centre in Southall. 

There was a lively discussion about the plan and the Leader of the Council Peter Mason was present, along with Cllr Nagpal and Cllr Raza and Council leaders to explain why we are consulting and the next steps. 

A further event will take place on the 23rd of February at the Young Adult Centre

If you would like to attend to participate please book on the Eventbrite link or let your local youth centre know so you are included in the numbers.

Ealing Council is currently consulting on their youth plan, and we really want as many responses from young people and the community as possible.

The consultation ends on the 2nd of March and already there have been over 2400 online responses. If you want to take part in the online consultation can you please follow the link.

On the 2nd of February Ealing consulted with the community and young people about the plan at the Young Adult Centre in Southall. 

There was a lively discussion about the plan and the Leader of the Council Peter Mason was present, along with Cllr Nagpal and Cllr Raza and Council leaders to explain why we are consulting and the next steps. 

A further event will take place on the 23rd of February at the Young Adult Centre

If you would like to attend to participate please book on the Eventbrite link or let your local youth centre know so you are included in the numbers.

Free 24/7 urgent mental health support for young people

Young people and their families in need of urgent help with their mental health can get free 24/7 support from trained NHS professionals by telephone.

The last 18 months have been particularly hard for young people’s mental health and wellbeing. The NHS’s survey of children and young people’s mental health early this year found that one in six had a probable mental disorder – up from one in nine in
2017. Four in ten 6-16 year olds said their mental health had got worse since 2017, with only a fifth (21.8%) saying it had improved.

As a result, there has been an increase in people needing urgent support. Every mental health trust in London has put in place a dedicated phone line, supported by trained mental health advisors and clinicians, and open day and night, 365 days a
year. The lines are free to call, and trained advisors can provide immediate help or signpost callers to other sources of support if necessary.

Find your local crisis line number here.

Welcome to Career Coach

Careers Coach is a new digital tool which can help you find out about local employment opportunities in the borough of Ealing. Whether you are planning your future career or looking for your next job, you can access the web based tool via your laptop or phone to help you make decisions about your next steps. You can

  •  find jobs that match your interests and strengths using the questionnaire feature
  • discover current and future demand for jobs, potential average earnings, skills employers are looking for, as well as current job vacancies
  • build a CV that captures the experience you have to offer Employers

Booking System is now open!!

High Schools, Academies or Alternative Provisions in Ealing

Whats New, Whats On, Vacancies and the Latest News in Ealing

Want your voice heard, speak to the YES Team by clicking below

Preparing for Adulthood
Information, advice and guidance for young people aged 14 to 25 living in the London Borough of Ealing who have SEND and/or additional needs. Find information on health and well-being, safety in the community, education, training and employment support, financial support and much more to help you make informed choices when moving to adulthood.
Click Here
Local Offer
The name 'Local Offer' is used to describe all the services and provision available to children and young people aged 0-25, and families 'locally' who are living with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). The Local Offer website is a resource to help you understand what is available and how to access services and support.
Click Here
Your Yellow Pages For Youth Support
To discover opportunities in your area download The LVN App now
Click Here



Click on the Youth Centre in your area to find out what we have to offer. We have a vast range of programmes and activities to suit you all.

Bollo Brook Youth Centre
Westside Young People Centre
Neighborhood Northolt
Neighbourhood Northolt
Young Adult Centre
acton neighbourhood
Acton Neighbourhood